Top Speedrunning Techniques Every Gamer Should Master

Speedrunning has evolved from a niche hobby to a major force in gaming culture, with players all around the world competing to complete their favorite games in record time. To excel in speedrunning, gamers must not only have a deep understanding of a game’s mechanics but also master a variety of techniques that can shave valuable seconds off their runs. Whether you’re new to speedrunning or looking to improve your skills, learning the following key techniques is essential for achieving faster completion times.
1. Routing and Planning
One of the most fundamental aspects of speedrunning is “routing.” This involves planning the most efficient path through a game, considering everything from item collection to level transitions. Routing requires players to analyze the game and identify the fastest way to complete objectives. For example, in open-world games or Metroidvanias like Super Metroid, routing is essential for deciding the optimal order in which to gather items, power-ups, and defeat bosses.
The best speedrunners continuously optimize their routes, adjusting based on new discoveries or even subtle improvements to previously established paths. By mastering routing, players can avoid unnecessary backtracking or delays, ensuring they’re always taking the fastest possible approach.
2. Glitch Exploitation
Many speedruns rely on taking advantage of glitches, which are unintended behaviors in the game’s code. While glitches may seem like cheating to some, they are a legitimate part of speedrunning. Learning to identify and exploit glitches can significantly reduce your completion time. These glitches may allow players to bypass entire sections of a game, skip cutscenes, or even move through walls.
For example, in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina Cwin of Time, a famous glitch known as the “Wrong Warp” allows players to warp to the final boss without completing key dungeons. Mastering glitches requires precision and extensive practice, but they are invaluable tools for serious speedrunners.
3. Sequence Breaking
Sequence breaking is another key speedrunning technique that involves completing objectives out of their intended order. Games are typically designed with a specific progression path in mind, but speedrunners often find ways to access areas or items before they’re supposed to, which can dramatically alter the game’s structure.
In games like Dark Souls, players often utilize specific jumps or exploits to reach late-game areas early, skipping huge portions of the game in the process. Learning how to sequence break requires thorough knowledge of a game’s mechanics and structure, as well as the ability to perform tricky maneuvers that developers didn’t intend.
4. Movement Optimization
One of the simplest yet most effective techniques in speedrunning is movement optimization. This refers to the ways in which a player can move more quickly and efficiently through the game. In some games, jumping, rolling, or even strafing can result in faster movement than simply walking or running. Understanding and utilizing these movement techniques can result in a significant time gain over the course of a speedrun.
For example, in Super Mario 64, players use techniques like “long jumps” and “BLJ” (backwards long jumps) to quickly traverse levels and skip large portions of gameplay. Each game has its own set of optimal movement patterns, so it’s crucial to learn which techniques work best for the game you’re speedrunning.
5. Frame-Perfect Execution
Some of the most impressive speedrunning feats come down to what is known as “frame-perfect execution.” Video games operate on frames, with each second being divided into a set number of frames (usually 30 or 60). A frame-perfect trick is an action that must be performed at the exact moment a particular frame occurs. Missing this window by even a fraction of a second can result in failure.
Frame-perfect tricks are common in platformers and fighting games, where precise timing is necessary to execute special moves or land jumps. While these techniques are extremely difficult to master, they are crucial for achieving world record speeds.
6. Practice and Persistence
Speedrunning is a skill that takes time to develop, and like any skill, practice is essential. Top speedrunners often spend hundreds or even thousands of hours practicing specific segments of a game to perfect their techniques. This involves studying the game’s mechanics, repeatedly running through challenging sections, and learning from mistakes.
Persistence is equally important. Speedrunners often face frustrating setbacks, as one missed glitch or sequence break can ruin an entire run. However, the determination to keep improving and retrying is what ultimately leads to success.
Speedrunning is a thrilling and challenging pursuit that tests a player’s mastery of a game. To excel in speedrunning, gamers must learn to plan efficient routes, exploit glitches, break sequences, optimize movement, and execute frame-perfect tricks. These techniques, combined with dedication and persistence, are the foundation of a successful speedrun. By mastering these skills, any gamer can take their speedrunning abilities to the next level and enjoy the satisfaction of setting new records in their favorite games.